Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Christmas 1962--Personal post

Back before Christmas, I asked my mom if she would like for me to have her old films transferred to DVD. Of course she said yes. I found an AMAZING company online--imemories.com--and boxed up the films and shipped them off. I heard back from the company that they had received the box. You pay up front for them to process each film roll. Then today I finally received an email letting me know the transferring was complete, so I have had a bit of nostalgia as I have taken a peek into days long ago. I have seen Christmases with my brother, and with other relatives. It's great to see my dad, my mom's sister and her husband, and both sets of grandparents, who all are in Heaven now. If you want to give your parents a special gift, check out imemories.com

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